A stranger is a friend you haven't met yet

Thursday, September 08, 2005


For those of you who knew me in times past... you know I was once a professional class skipper, that mentality in the last few years has changed.

Once you start, it is hard to stop. This Monday was Labor Day, and I woke up that morning feeling awful! My head was pounding, my eyes were watery, stuffy nose, ears achy, dizzy, and a sore throat. I took the day pretty easy, watched TV, did some homework, and slept hoping that would ease up because the next day I had school. Unfortunately, I woke up Tuesday feeling the same way (yuck!) so I called all my professors and told them I was sick... well all except one. We had a test in media theory, and the teacher DOES NOT under ANY circumstances do make-up exams; sooooo I ended up dragging myself to class, and a pre-class group meeting.

Finally, when I had the opportunity to speak to the teacher I explained I would be leaving right after the test. She (the Dianne Keaton look-alike teacher) said, I am moving the test to Thursday *SIGH* She said, you sound awful, go home - I will give you credit for showing up! You know, I never thought I would ever see the day when a teacher sends a student home for feeling icky... it was a complete blessing.

Well the rest of the day I spent studying at home, and doing some chores... I cannot figure out why it is that when I am sick I am so convinced I have to move around and keep busy. I mean I should be resting! So there I was with one complete day of "relaxation" and the next day I spend 6 hours at the library studying for Thursday's classes.... So today (Thursday) I wake up feeling so much better... my throat is not as achy, my head stopped pounding, my eyes aren't as watery, my ears do not hurt as much! I only took vitamins and honey (I did cheat last night and took 100mg of motrin though... that made me LOOPY). Well I wake up, and think... *sigh* I am feeling so much better, I wish I could skip class..... an ongoing battle I swear! I knew better though.Why did I know better? Because missing Tuesday already spoiled me, even though the reason was completely valid. Because I had a test in Media Theory, a drawing due in Theatre, an amazing lecture in Media Management, and a killer (as in hard!) synopsis due in Media writing.

So this is me.... not skipping class.... talking about skipping class.... wish I was skipping class.... and completely not going to do it! GRROh yes, and I forgot to mention the ultimate temptation, my first professor released us waaaaaaay early from class, that gave me a three hour window before my next class.... Oh the humanity!!!!

This is my empty class after early dismissal.. with my lonely laptop in the corner


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